Create a system of mathematical models which will enable to verify the theoretical ”proof of concept” of the GREC.
Carry out material analyzes for crucial parts regarding isolation and heat transfer properties.
To analyze and pinpoint construction improvements on the physical Labmodel-v2 that should give an uplift to future models of the GREC.
Does the mathematical model system prove a realistic and a clarification for the ”proof of concept”?
How does scaling the model affect the performance?
Regarding the material analysis which materials are the most preferred for the crucial parts for the usage of GREC?
What are the pinpointed construction improvements for future models?
The physical GREC Labmodel-v2 is delivered from nilsinside AB, therefore we have not been part of any construction, measuring or material choices.
After a lot of time spent on problem solving the physical Labmodel-v2, we can clarify that the physical model have a considerable malfunction inside the that makes the operation drift fail. Therefore the Labmodel-v2 can not be considered to be any sort of comparison for the theoretical mathematical model system.
The simulation model will correspond to the physical Labmodel-v2, meaning that the simulation model will consist of the same amount of layers, measurement, size, temperature and etc.
We will provide new scenarios within the simulation area in terms of new materials, focusing only at the crucial parts as mentioned in objectives therefor some material parts will not be analyzed.
Fluid-simulations within the complete turbulent WGV will not be performed in this system of mathematical models.
Link to the official publication -
Theoretical Proof Of Concept For The Green Revolution Energy Converter
- in pdf format: